Oracle Service Expertise Certification| Oracle Customer Experience (CX) 

Without a doubt, the Oracle Certification Program is positioned for success in a rapidly changing technology field in the region, allowing it to provide a higher level of service.

XUMTECH, formerly SUUM TECHNOLOGIES, is certified as Oracle Service Expertise (Oracle Customer Experience (CX) | Eloqua Marketing Automation & Oracle Cloud Platform Integration), which positions us as specialist partners with extensive experience in implementing Oracle Cloud Solutions.

This certification speaks for the professionalism and dedication of the team that shapes XUMTECH who has succeeded in identifying and fulfilling our customers’ needs.

Now, more than ever, customers require partners with skills and experience to succeed. The Oracle Service Expertise Certification is proof of our gained expertness, demonstrated success, and ongoing commitment.

XUMTECH optimizes all areas involved in a business, from the most critical processes to the technological infrastructure that supports it.