Transforming Customer Experience: The Era of Omnichannel Support

In today’s business world, customer service has become a key differentiator. Consumers seek seamless and personalized experiences across all communication channels. According to the “Customer Service Barometer”, a study conducted by American Express, seven out of ten consumers state that they have spent more money to do business with a company that provides excellent customer service. Particularly, millennials express their willingness to spend up to 38% more with companies that deliver excellent customer service.

On the other hand, Statista (the statistics portal for data, research, and market studies) reported in 2020 that 42% customers prefer accessing customer service via phone call, 38% through digital channels, and 20% via email. It means that, for customer service to be perceived as high-quality, it must be offered through all these channels to meet the preferences of all customers. Moreover, the study “The Omnichannel Customer Service Gap” observed that 35% users aspire to be assisted by the same customer service agent across every channel.

What does this mean? 

Omnichannel support is a necessity for any company aiming to excel in customer service and, as a consequence, increase how much their customers spend on their products and services.

But What is omnichannel support? Omnichannel is more than just a trendy concept; it is a philosophy that places the customer at the core of all business interactions. It involves delivering consistent and exceptional customer service across all touchpoints, whether through phone calls, online chat, social media, or even in-person interactions. Omnichannel support ensures that each customer enjoys a seamless experience regardless of the communication channel they choose. Furthermore, it enables the attending agent to have access to all customer information, regardless of the communication channel being used, for example: information about purchased products or services, preferences, past inquiries, and status, among others. This eliminates the need for customers to repeat their cases every time they reach out, which is the reason why 35% of them aspire to always be assisted by the same agent.

Addressing Customer Service Challenges

Ensuring that every interaction with the customer, from the initial contact to post-sales support, is efficient and satisfying, is achievable. The right technology provides all interactions’ comprehensive tracking, purchase history, and customer preferences, offering agents a complete view of the customer (known as the “360-degree view”). This holistic view enables an understanding of customer needs, preferences, and behaviors, facilitating the delivery of personalized and tailored experiences for everyone. This, in turn, leads to quick and customized responses, providing an exceptional experience at every step of the journey and significantly reducing the time needed to resolve customer inquiries.

Furthermore, omnichannel support enables self-service to be genuinely beneficial for customers. Through online portals, knowledge bases, and intelligent chatbots, customers can access relevant information and resolve common issues without the need to interact with a customer service representative. This not only enhances the customer experience but also eases the workload of customer service teams, reducing operational costs for companies and consequently increasing profits.

At XUMTECH, we have witnessed significant changes in our clients’ key performance indicators when they have implemented omnichannel support in their businesses. For example:

   ✔ A 28% decrease in call duration

   ✔ An increase in the self-service deflection rate by 15%

   ✔ A 7% reduction in staff turnover rate

   ✔ A 13% increase in upselling through customer service processes

   ✔ A 23% rise in customer satisfaction index


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American Express (2017). Customer Service Barometer.

Statista (2020). Communication channels customers prefer to use to resolve customer service issues in the United States in 2020gap.

Zen (2013). The omnichannel customer service gap.